Dr. Charlotte Kwong (Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong)
I attended the 2-day Cardiac and Vascular CT teaching course in the past weekend and cannot speak highly enough of the course and the speakers.
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Dr. Charlotte Kwong (Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong)
I attended the 2-day Cardiac and Vascular CT teaching course in the past weekend and cannot speak highly enough of the course and the speakers.
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作者:林口長庚 放射科 詹雯惠 醫師
能報名到新思惟團隊舉行的活動實在是不簡單。尤其和以往 cardiac CT 的symposium 不一樣的是,第二天的 hands-on workshop 豪氣的將一人一台工作站直接搬到會場,更讓人躍躍欲試。可惜一開放報名就很快額滿了。感謝陳煥武醫師的義氣贊助,慷慨的將他因為醫院值班無法參加的名額轉讓給我,我才能夠實地參與到這次的課程。也在會場發現好多同科的學長姐,甚至是心臟科的學長姐都來參加這次的活動。
作者:L J