台中榮民總醫院 嘉義分院 放射科 主治醫師
2010 | 北美放射線醫學會 優質電子壁報 ×2 (LL-CAE-WE6A & WE6B) |
2011 | 第二屆台灣核子心臟學研討會 最佳科學簡報獎 |
2013 |
Tsai HY, Chen MC, Tsai IC, Chen CC. Partial ring artifact on cardiac CT: image presentation and clinical implication. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011; 27:689-693.
Tsai HY, et al. Imaging as a biomarker in Behçet disease: prognostic and therapeutic implications of serial pulmonary CT angiography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011; 196:W105-106.
Tsai HY, et al. (LL-CAE-WE6A) Comprehensive MDCT evaluation of patients with pulmonary hypertension: diagnosing underlying causes from left heart, lung to right heart. RSNA 2010, Chicago. Certificate of Merit
Tsai HY, et al. (LL-CAE-WE6B) Comprehensive evaluation of patients with suspected prosthetic heart valve disorder using MDCT: protocol, interpretation, and disease gallery. RSNA 2010, Chicago. Certificate of Merit
想聽「在 RSNA 得過兩次獎的傑出醫師」講 vascular CT 嗎?